I think we would know if every Bride & Groom suddenly turned out to be as confident as a top model during their wedding pictures. This is why, as a photographer, I'm going to give you some tips to reflect how fabulous you're going to be in your wedding pictures. (and to make you show them until you are 86 years old, to everybody willing to have a look).
Let's set the scene. It's your big day. You are excited, everything is going perfectly, and you are just about to go have your picture taken with the love of your life for an hour or two.
This is when strikes the famous...
Knock, knock - who's there ? - your answers.
#1 : This is YOUR couple moment.
Not your aunts/cousins/parents/bridesmaids/neighbours/ithinkyougotit. Don't bring your whole family to your couple session. Schedule
another time for group pictures. There is a certain romantic intimacy
and personal connection in Love, and this is what couple pictures are
supposed to reflect.
#2 : RELAX.
You are here to have a good time and create great memories.
Take a deep breath, give yourself some time to get used to the camera
and have F-U-N. The more relaxed you will be, the better your pictures
will look. Nobody likes a tensed smile.
#3 : Oily skin won't be for you Bride & Groom !
Depending on when you are going to take the pictures, your bridal make-up might look a little smudgy. It's less likely to happen if you booked a professional make-up artist, but if you didn't, this is something you should think about.
Carry some transparent powder with you. Quick way to get rid of potential flaws. And put some on the Groom too !
#4 : Kissing him/her softlyyyy
Kissing pictures are awesome. Yes they are. But a passionnate kiss doesn't look good on a picture.What does look good is a soft, delicate, without pressure kiss. Now go practice !
#5 : Chin up, but not too much
People are so scared of double chin -which I understand, there is nothing worse than that, photography wise- that they always keep their chin up. Like real up. Which could look even worse. What you need is to find a balance. Practice it if needed, even if your photographer should guide you on that one. You can even tilt your head a little bit, that is what gives you a doll's face look.

When we don't feel totally comfortable, we have the tendency to stick our arms to our bodies. Bad idea, it makes them look bigger. Lift them a little bit, create some space between your hips and your arms. Same if you are holding your other half !
#7 : Straighten your back, lower your shoulders.
That pretty much speaks for itself.
FREE BONUS #8 : Get inspired.
I always make sure I covered every idea that fits to the Bride and Groom's personality. But I'm not you. Take a look at poses and ideas you like before your big day. Don't be scared to suggest them (don't ever think they are stupid too please, thank you).
Haha thanks for this post :) I also have clients and they get nervous about looking bad on their wedding day too! Most people have this irrational fear though.