Not a lot of people realize how blogging can be a full-time job. Laura is the author of WhatsTrendy.net, a blog about fashion trends in Europe and North America. By posting almost everyday, she is a blog machine.
Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Laura, I grew up in Italy and after my Bachelor
I moved to Germany where I worked in the fashion industry as Junior Marketing
Manager. I am new in Toronto and I am a blogger of my new blog whatstrendy.net!
I post about all trends between North America and Europe: fashion, lifestyle,
music, beauty and traveling.
• What projects are you up to?
I am a freelance styling intern for a fashion iPad app called Modist.
But currently I am working full time on my Blog whatstrendy.net in Toronto. My
aim is to keep people from Europe updated about all the trends
happening overseas, and viceversa. I have been asked about fashion abroad so many times that I created a way be informed with just a click on whatstrendy.net! Speaking of which, if you are a new artist based in Toronto like
fashion designer, musician or actor contact me I will be happy to write about
you: Europe can get to know you!
Also, I find my ideas by asking myself questions. For example, after the fashion week I thought "ok I wrote about my impressions but plenty of bloggers have done the same thing for sure, what am I missing?". I had a lot of exclusive pictures so I decided to make a selection to offer something different, a funny way to summarize the shows and look behind the scenes.... And I came up with the fashion week's alphabet.
• What process do you follow to create a post on whatstrendy.net ?
I usually write ideal topics in my notebook in order to organize them, giving priority to festivals or events which have more urge to be posted on a certain calendar date.Also, I find my ideas by asking myself questions. For example, after the fashion week I thought "ok I wrote about my impressions but plenty of bloggers have done the same thing for sure, what am I missing?". I had a lot of exclusive pictures so I decided to make a selection to offer something different, a funny way to summarize the shows and look behind the scenes.... And I came up with the fashion week's alphabet.
• How often do you post articles?
I am trying to write about 1 or 2 posts per day, so I would say 20, 25 posts per month.• It is quite a machine you have here! How do you find this constant inspiration?
I try to avoid looking at others blogs honestly because I could get influenced and my posts would not be as original as I wish. I also read fashion magazines to discover new trends, I listen to Canadian radio so I know whats happening in the city or in Canada in general. I follow some fashion icons Instagram like Sienna Miller or travel guides like New York or European countries. I call my sister Francesca in Rome and she gets me inspired with the latest trends from the Italian capital!• What, according to you, make a blog well done and potentially popular?
In my opinion, people don't have time to read nowadays and we just have a look just at headlines because we are always in a hurry. So I think pictures and slogans play a very important role in order to make a blog fast readable and unique. That's why I spend a lot of time creating my own layouts, I like to tell stories through them! People want to see the newest trends, not only from magazines but also from a genuine point of view, like us, bloggers. What can make it popular is what topics you can offer: original trends, like in my case from another continent, low budget looks to copy... Last but not least it should be different from the others.• What would your advice be when dealing with the famous writer's block?
Music is the first inspiration I refer to build my creativity. Inspiration for me comes from the art of observing: I like observing people and situations so a good walk in the city, blocks for blocks, music on and a creamy cappuccino give me definitely inspiration.• What is your main career goal?
I want to impress and keep amusing my readers everyday. I hope my
blog will get an important place in the blogosphere, I know it is hard but I am
a determined person! I want to turn this hobby into my main profession, staying
happy, enjoying every little part of it!
• What work in your artistic field impresses you?
I love the magic when I create new concepts, the way images and
texts fit together, hoping to reach people out there with my creativity! I love
hearing new music or discover new fashion trends. It is interesting how a trend
develops from the very beginning turning to be a bomb!• What is the project you are the most proud of?
when I was in Germany I studied Marketing and communication. Lessons were hold
in German of course, but I am so proud of myself that I did it and where this
diploma has brought me!
I would say my blog. I am proud to have something
of my own, I love seeing how the project is taking form and the appreciation
from my small public!
• Where in the city can we find you?
I work mainly in Downtown, in cozy and fancy coffeshops,
not too loud but with great coffees and playlists in the background! Queen
Street West, Entertaiment District and Distillery District are my favourite neighborhoods. Queen Street West reminds me of Greenwich Village in New York,
I love it! When I want to get some sweetness I definitely go to Café Crepe on
246 Queen St W.
Morever, I also like working at the Soho House, 192
Adelaide Street W, Art Square Café on 334 Dundas St. W or Dark Horse on 215
Spadina Ave.
•If Toronto was a person, what kind would it be?
I guess a newborn baby who speaks multiple languages,
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